The Scientific Technical Committee plays a general advisory role with regard to the technical and scientific evaluation of research activities carried out by the Foundation; it expresses opinions and assessments to the President and the Executive Committee in relation to: (i) the quality and scientific relevance, and possibly technological and industrial relevance of research programmes and additional scientific and technological initiatives; (ii) the strategic plan: (iii) the allocation of funds, verifying the adequacy of funding requests and analysing the coherence of proposals with the overall strategy of the Foundation; (iv) the progress of research projects. The STC reports to the President of the Foundation and, functionally through the President, to the Executive Committee. STC members are appointed by the President of the IIT Foundation, following consultation with the Executive Board, for periods up to 5 years and may be reappointed. The STC is composed of a maximum of 20 members external to the Foundation, selected from among members of the scientific and technological community and from the industrial and professional world, highly qualified and experienced in fields relevant to the Foundation, and acknowledged as authorities in these fields.
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) is a Foundation governed by Articles 14 et seq of the Italian Civil Code, established by Legislative Decree 269/03, converted by Law no. 326/2003 (Article 4 of the Statute), and financed by the State to conduct scientific research in the public interest, for the purpose of technological development.
IIT is under the supervision of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Ministry of Education, University and Research and is overseen by Corte dei Conti (national auditing body), in accordance with Law 259/58 ("Partecipazione della Corte dei conti al controllo sulla gestione finanziaria degli enti a cui lo Stato contribuisce in via ordinaria" - Art. 12).
Our aim, as stated in the Foundation Statute, is to promote excellence in basic and applied research and to promote the development of the national economy.
The Scientific Technical Committee plays a general advisory role with regard to the technical and scientific evaluation of research activities carried out by the Foundation; it expresses opinions and assessments to the President and the Executive Committee in relation to: (i) the quality and scientific relevance, and possibly technological and industrial relevance of research programmes and additional scientific and technological initiatives; (ii) the strategic plan: (iii) the allocation of funds, verifying the adequacy of funding requests and analysing the coherence of proposals with the overall strategy of the Foundation; (iv) the progress of research projects. The STC reports to the President of the Foundation and, functionally through the President, to the Executive Committee. STC members are appointed by the President of the IIT Foundation, following consultation with the Executive Board, for periods up to 5 years and may be reappointed. The STC is composed of a maximum of 20 members external to the Foundation, selected from among members of the scientific and technological community and from the industrial and professional world, highly qualified and experienced in fields relevant to the Foundation, and acknowledged as authorities in these fields.
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) is a Foundation governed by Articles 14 et seq of the Italian Civil Code, established by Legislative Decree 269/03, converted by Law no. 326/2003 (Article 4 of the Statute), and financed by the State to conduct scientific research in the public interest, for the purpose of technological development.
IIT is under the supervision of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Ministry of Education, University and Research and is overseen by Corte dei Conti (national auditing body), in accordance with Law 259/58 ("Partecipazione della Corte dei conti al controllo sulla gestione finanziaria degli enti a cui lo Stato contribuisce in via ordinaria" - Art. 12).
Our aim, as stated in the Foundation Statute, is to promote excellence in basic and applied research and to promote the development of the national economy.