Textile-based sensors for continuous non-invasive real-time recording of lactate | LCSens

Funding period:Jan. 1, 2019 to Dec. 31, 2021
Agency: AiF


We acknowledge funding by the AiF project "Textile-based sensors for continuous non-invasive real-time recording of lactate" (LCSens, grant agreement ID: 20324 BR/3)


Development of textile-based and planar sensors for continuous non-invasive real-time recording of the lactate value curve for diagnostics according to clinical, therapeutic and sports medicine performance-oriented requirements

Entwicklung textilbasierter und planarer Sensoren zur kontinuierlichen nicht-invasiven Echtzeiterfassung des Lactatwertverlaufs für die Diagnostik gemäß klinischen, thera- peutischen und sportmedizinisch-leistungsorientierten Anforderungen (LCSens)

Textile-based sensors for continuous non-invasive real-time recording of lactate | LCSens

Funding period:Jan. 1, 2019 to Dec. 31, 2021
Agency: AiF


We acknowledge funding by the AiF project "Textile-based sensors for continuous non-invasive real-time recording of lactate" (LCSens, grant agreement ID: 20324 BR/3)


Development of textile-based and planar sensors for continuous non-invasive real-time recording of the lactate value curve for diagnostics according to clinical, therapeutic and sports medicine performance-oriented requirements

Entwicklung textilbasierter und planarer Sensoren zur kontinuierlichen nicht-invasiven Echtzeiterfassung des Lactatwertverlaufs für die Diagnostik gemäß klinischen, thera- peutischen und sportmedizinisch-leistungsorientierten Anforderungen (LCSens)