Sommerfest 2005
July 15, 2005

The established boccia party evolves!
This year sommerfest of the VWS groups --Small Cultures (Slavistics) and Molecular Computing (Physics)-- will take place on the last semester Friday. We also celebrate Christian Prunitsch (head of the Small Cultures Group) for the call to professorship at TU-Dresden.
This is also the party of the espresso addicted people (theory chairs of building Phy 4.1 and the other users of the saeco coffee machine).

photos (from last year) online

Tentative Program:
  • 18: grill starts at the central physics entrance ducting Molecular Electronics"b
  • 20: music, dancing, open air kino...

Sommerfest 2005
July 15, 2005

The established boccia party evolves!
This year sommerfest of the VWS groups --Small Cultures (Slavistics) and Molecular Computing (Physics)-- will take place on the last semester Friday. We also celebrate Christian Prunitsch (head of the Small Cultures Group) for the call to professorship at TU-Dresden.
This is also the party of the espresso addicted people (theory chairs of building Phy 4.1 and the other users of the saeco coffee machine).

photos (from last year) online

Tentative Program: