former Research assistant
Stay period: | Jan. 1, 2013 - Dec. 30, 2015 |
Laura began her studies in chemistry at the TU Dresden in 2007. She got her Bachelor's degree supervised by Prof. Eychm$uuml;ller on the "Synthesis of this aerogels on conductive films" in 2010. Afterwards she continued her studies at the TU Dresden and the Southern Danish University (Odense, DK). She joined the junior research group ENano as SHK in November 2013.
former Research assistant
Stay period: | Jan. 1, 2013 - Dec. 30, 2015 |
Laura began her studies in chemistry at the TU Dresden in 2007. She got her Bachelor's degree supervised by Prof. Eychm$uuml;ller on the "Synthesis of this aerogels on conductive films" in 2010. Afterwards she continued her studies at the TU Dresden and the Southern Danish University (Odense, DK). She joined the junior research group ENano as SHK in November 2013.